To see it in action, patch ROM location 0x27A8 with 0x90. It seems they wanted some outro cutscenes at some point, but dropped them very early in development. There are some unreferenced cutscene routines, most of which are copy-pasted with dummy or incorrect graphics, but at least one has an otherwise-unused back view of the Mystery Machine. The game only ends when your lives run out.Maybe this is because some background tiles are also missing there. Some portals teleport to nonexistent locations with only garbage.Hard controls, very difficult to move anywhere.The only sprites that display correctly are the "banana" bonuses and a swarm of bugs as enemies in one of the sections. Although the sprites themselves look fine, there are animations and stuff. There are no sprite tile data at all in the ROM for this mini-game.The level is finished with the mini-game like screen with scores calculation. You can collect "bananas" and get stuck on the obstacles until all lives are out. There are portals leading to other sections of the level. You move the raft with the D-Pad, and X or Y to use flippers. Notably, this game uses the regular level engine and has a lot of corresponding level map and object data. Use Game Genie code DDD3-6767 or patch the ROM at 0x000EEE to value 0x00, then start from level 3 either via password or after level 2.

A mini-game that was intended to be played after the level 3 intro cutscene.