It appears so that it's nowhere else but on the pirate ship, one the most unfriendly places in the world. If he saves enough of them they will tell him in exchange where has the dark lum chief taken Globox. Throughout his journey Rayman frees a number of teensies. Rayman has no other choice than to cross the world of rock & lava himself. Jano tells him that it's the Dark Lum chief who kidnapped Globox and he was heading for the world of rocks & lava. When arriving in the world of bad dreams RM will have to fight with Jano the pirate. On his way to find Globox, RM will cross the swamps of Begoniax the witch, then a world dominated by the Hoodlums. disappears RM gets very worried and immediately decides to go after him. This has some really disturbing effect on his behaviour. Globox swallows the dark lums chief while trying to save the fairies.